Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Lab 6: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 2


The main goal of this lab exercise was to learn how to create Web GIS applications responsive in mobile platforms. First, we developed a search app which the end-user can interact with in order to search for addresses of places, information about senators, congressional districts and institutions of higher education. Secondly, we made a query application which returned both text and graphic census information for counties in the state of Wisconsin. 


Part 1: Creating a Search App

We were first presented wit a scenario for this part of the lab:
"The geospatial company which you established in Lab 4 is slowly taking root in the geospatial business. It is now time to expand your services from only desktop Web GIS applications to mobile responsive apps. In this lab, you will gain some of the skillsets required in developing mobile responsive Web GIS apps. In a year, you want your company to be large enough to be able to buy Virtual Geospatial Analytics your initial employer. You will acquire the necessary skills required in building a search app and a query app which should form part of your company’s services to clients in the near future."

In this portion of the lab we created a basic search applications which end-users can utilize in order to find locations of a variety of information including congressional districts, senator locations, addresses and the location of universities throughout the United States. To do this the end-user will simply just have to type in an address and the application will do the work of locating the point on a map. To create this app we first created an HTML 5 document and referenced the Esri stylesheet. Next we added a header tag which included a great deal of information. This tag contained meta information which was able to make the application responsive in a number of different platforms. Viewport for iOS, applie mobile web responsiveness and Chrome for Android were added in particular as well as a reference to the claro stylesheet (Fig. 1)

(Fig. 1) This image shows the start of the code used to create the HTML document for a search application. In order to make it accessible to mobile devices meta information tags are added in the header.
Unlike in previous labs, most of the CSS styling we used in this particular application was created and referenced from external sources. We did however need to write some style information in the HTML code in order to make sure the application fills the entire webpage (Fig. 2).

(Fig. 2) Even when CSS styling for an application comes from external sources it is important to include the necessary information under the style tag to make sure that the extent of the application fills the screen of the user.
The next step was to write the JavaScript code to implement the search capabilities to the application. We imported the map, search, FeatureLayer, and InfoTemplate from the Dojo library and made the DOM ready to start this script. After that we created a function with the four parameters which would be used with the four modules we initially imported. In addition to this we created a local scope variable which assigns values to variable properties in the basemap like the type, center and zoom (Fig. 3). 

(Fig. 3) The imported features we used for this JavaScript code are from the Dojo Library, they include the map, search, FeatureLayer and InfoTemplate parameters.
In order to implement the search feature we needed to declare a new variable and assign it to an object called search. We then designed the button so that the search widget would be displayed as a single button. To set the information which will be able to be searched by the end user we created the source.push object. This first object utilized the congressional district service. We then created another similar sources.push object for the US Senator names and location followed by another object to display university data (Fig. 4). Finally, once this was done we linked the JavaScript file to our HTML document and the application was created (Fig. 5)

(Fig. 4) This image shows the source.push objects which were used to incorporate the data into the application which would be able to be searched by the end user.
Part 2: Creating a Query App

In part 2 of this lab we created a mobile responsive query application which allow for the end user to see the population of each county in the state of Wisconsin as well as how the population of each county compares to the most populous county in the state. This also incorporated hovering which enables the user to see the data without actually needing to click on a specific county. 

Once again, to start this lab we created a new HTML 5 document and entered in the relevant meta and external stylesheets similar to how we started part 1 (Fig. 6).

(Fig. 6) This is the start to the HTML 5 code created for part 2 of this lab.
After the HTML code was started we then began to develop the JavaScript document needed to produce the query application. We imported tools from Esri, Dojo Libary and two widgets from the DojoX sub-library. These tools included the map, FeatureLayer, query, ContentPane, BorderContainer, AnalogGauge, and AnalogArcIndicator (Fig. 7).

(Fig. 7) This shows the list of tools imported to the JavaScript document for the query application.
Next we needed to create a list of variables. The first was a variable called countiesUrl which was assigned a hyperlink which was linked to census data. Another variable we created was called statList which we gave a value of 'Wisconsin'. The rest of the variables can be seen below in Fig. 8. This included the variables for the query definition, the fields where records were to be extracted from, the design of the graphics for the returned records and more.

(Fig. 8) In these lines of code we defined a number of important variables for this query application.
After all the variables were defined it was time to initialize the query task. To do this we created a new variable called popQueryTask and to it we assigned the value of the Esri service we referenced previously. We then created another separate variable called popQuery to assign it the query task method and statDef to assign the query task definition. Once these three variables were configured in the JavaScript document we created a query filter for string, number and geometry (Fig. 9).

(Fig. 9) To actually initialize the query task we needed to add more specific query variables to the JavaScript document we were writing.
Once this was done we needed to create a layer in order to show the result of the query. For this app we used the analog gauge widget which was imported as a part of the DojoX sub-library earlier. The code used to create this widget as well as the design elements which it was composed of can be seen in Fig. 10 below. In addition to this we needed to specify in our code how we wanted this gauge widget to be displayed within our application. The detailed code of how this was done can be seen in Fig. 11.

(Fig. 10) This code shows how the analog gauge widget, from the DojoX sub-library, was utilized for this query application.
(Fig. 11) These lines of code within the JavaScript document detail how the analog gauge widget will be displayed in this query application window.
We also wanted to develop a styling for the map, the text, gauge result, county result and the margin for the webpage which will house the application. To do this we created our own CSS document (Fig. 12).

(Fig. 12) The image above shows the CSS code used to design the style of the application.
The final step in creating this query application was to link our JavaScript and CSS files to the original HTML 5 document we created at the start of part 2. Once this was done our application was created and was very user interactive (see Fig. 13 in the Results section).


(Fig. 5) This is the output of Part 1 of this lab once the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire was searched for by the user.
(Fig. 13) This shows the result of the query application we created in part 2 of this lab exercise.

Data for this lab was collected from the following sources:

  • University feature class obtained from Esri InfoGroup Business Locations dataset

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